Sunday, April 1, 2012

COOPERATIVE MICRO-BANK? to create a self-reliant humanity...


Cooperative Micro-Bank?

NO to "Micro-Credit", but YES to "Cooperative Micro-Finance" to create a Gate-way for the world of humanity with enterprising opportunity by self-reliance.

The World is suffering due to the influence of Micro-Credit System, a "Debt based economy with Risk Transferring Financial Techniques", Which gives an opportunity for one to gain at the expense of others. This is Again Contrary to the Holistic Approach of Economic Justice for All humanity.

Alternatively, a Cooperative Micro-Finance (CMF) Model is an "Asset based Economic paradigm with risk sharing technique" with utmost sharing, caring and concern, which is timely to fight to day’s World Economic Crisis and at the Same Time May Rescue the Under, Lower or Middle Privileged Ones to live with a Reasonable Comfort without any Debt Curse.

Cooperative Micro-finance Model May Fight the on going "Debt Based Economy With Risk Transferring technique" While Promoting an "Asset based Economy with maximum Risk Sharing Paradigm" by Establishing an Environment with Shared Responsibility, Mutual Caring and Cooperation on the basis of the Holistic Principles of Brotherhood, Solidarity, Care & Concern.

Cooperative Micro-finance, a model, which is justified by the Divine holistic Principles of Shari’ah coupled with the true spirit of universal principles of socio-economic justice for all regardless of one’s religion, color, status, nationality, gender or even one's background per se.

The above nature of Cooperative Micro-financeModel had been in fact discovered and duly designed through almost last 10 years of my humble brain-child efforts, but has not been implemented yet as till the time arrives today to re-discover a socio-economic way forward with cooperative undertaking among to day’s world of mankind.

To create an enterprising and entrepreneur based community with the holistic concept of harmonious, solidarity and brotherhood among all, the dynamism of the model is the spirit of mind set with cooperative culture to create a debt fighting self reliant based enterprising community with mutual cooperation and creative discovered culture among all by enjoying with a sustainable socio-economy and cultural victory.

Thus, the idea of CMF arrives timely at the right platform leading to create a global enterprising community with a just economic liberty for all humanity.

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